A Travellerspoint blog

This time last year...

This time last year... The Beach and The Election version

The Beach version

I commented to Matt last week while we were having our first swim of the summer in the still, warm waters of the beach (completely flat and good for wussy swimmers like me), that the last swim we’d had was at New Year, on the coast near Canberra. I’d thought at the time that it would probably be my only swim of the summer and I vaguely wondered where my next one would be, next summer. Well guess what, January 2008 Kate... EAST TIMOR!!! Betcha didn’t see that one coming!

The Election / MLX version (Melbourne Lindy Exchange)

This weekend last year (or maybe last, but anyway, MLX is on this weekend) Matt and I were down the beach at Melbourne’s Luna Park, about to get excited about the election results and consequently miss an MLX ball because we were glued to the TV and doing victory dances at our hosts’ house. We did make it to the after party though. What a lovely memory. Good times.

Posted by timortimes 00:42

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