A Travellerspoint blog

Oh, just stuff

Day 14 (30th November 2008)

Matt and I went to the beach again on Sunday morning – down to Caz Bar. This time I had delicious French toast with bacon. Mmm bacon. I could have eaten about 14 pieces of bacon.

Learning experience: if you think you see your destination, bring it to the taxi driver’s attention. We nearly got all the way to the Cristo Rei (the Christ Statue), which is, uh, quite some way past our destination. Oops.

The water was dirtier but cooler this week – I’ll take that trade off. I feel the cold easily but I don’t really like swimming in soup.

Later it was to Glenda’s for lunch (delicious spaghetti, thankyou) and then another lazy Sunday afternoon. My my I’m acclimatising to Not Doing Much very quickly.

Posted by timortimes 22:03

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