A Travellerspoint blog

First day of June, first day of ‘winter’

Monday 1st June – 6 months, 16 days

Hey, look at that. It’s June.


It occurred to me this morning that in all my musings about this year, I’d never actually kind of seen beyond May. Of course I’d make it to the end of the year; November, for example, had taken shape in my head, because I’ll be back in familiar places, seeing familiar people and doing familiar things.

But June? July? August? September? October? Hadn’t quite thought about what I’d do with those. This is so rare for me, it was really disconcerting. I *always* know what I’m doing in the months ahead. I’m not so good at *years* ahead (I’ve never been able to imagine my life realistically more than about a year or two ahead – it just doesn’t seem real), but I’ve always got a plan for the immediate future. Not right now, though.

Maybe it is the warm weather. Of course it’s ‘cooled down’. But the never needing to wear a jumper and getting hot every single time you walk into the sun sort of mucks up your sense of the passage of time. (Incidentally, Canberrans, you know that amazing moment after every Canberra winter where you go outside into the sun and you can actually feel the faint, feeble rays on your skin? Focus on that right now).

Hmm. Well, whatever these months hold, it will be a hell of a lot warmer than Canberra winter. HAHAHAHA

Posted by timortimes 18:56

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