My new place probably didn’t need a paint job
When I checked it out earlier this week, it had white walls (inside and out), white tile, an aqua curtain on the single window, and faded blue fancy railing on the verandah (one of those quaint things I love about Timor, faded ornate railing from the Portuguese times).
New neighlords, among other moving-you-in kindnesses, were keen to paint it for me (remember when current set of neighlords wanted to paint the bedroom in the Barbie Mutant Nightmare House, after I’d just moved in? What is this obsession with painting houses?). I said ok because I didn’t need to move in until the weekend and figured the paint smell would probably dissipate by then.
It occurred to me yesterday that the cute white-with-faded-blue colour scheme might turn into pink bedroom with yellow bathroom and orange verandah with green railings, with a brand new shiny purple curtain, by the time I get back with my stuff on Sunday. Ohhhh dear. Oh well. As I’ve said before, eccentric colour schemes of Timor don’t grate on my soul. I just use them as material for another blog entry, hah.
Posted by timortimes 19:32