Transport around town
Thoughts to add to list of ‘things to do / not do’ when I become a disgustingly well-paid consultant*: never move overseas without enough money to buy a car if that is the most common mode of travel. I know I’ve talked about this before, I’ve just been thinking about it again while trying to get around town to look at houses. Dili is DIFFFFFFICULT without transport.
I suppose I could have afforded a scooter, really, it’s just I truly am scared by the traffic around town. I didn’t think that my total lack of confidence in my ability to operate a scooter would be a good combination with the insane traffic here, which includes enormous scary white UN 4WDs driving at breakneck pace.
I’ve got no excuse other than I never tried. In my family, I am the odd one out, with my dad and brother riding motorbikes since forever, and my mum on her scooter (you are terribly impressive, Mother).
So, I’m a big sook. (No surprise there.) Too afraid to try to learn. But, I’m afraid and I’m alive. I still reckon that this is better than getting mangled by a UN vehicle.
- In the development industry, everyone, without fail, hates consultants. I notice, however, that consultants themselves never say they hate their jobs. Another reason I want to be a consultant when I am finally old enough for people to believe I have the experience.
Posted by timortimes 19:34