A Travellerspoint blog

I can’t believe I moved house in that amount of time

Friday 12th June – Sunday 14th June – 6 months, 27-29 days

This entire weekend was taken up by the process of moving house (including one whole day spent moving my airconditioner). This was exhausting enough but with the heightened hostility from the old neighlords, it became a rather a traumatic experience that I would really rather forget.

So! How did moving go? Well, four very awesome people helped me move all my stuff, other very awesome people helped me with things like taking my bed apart and putting up my mozzie net. We were assisted by nimble, winged unicorns who made the whole experience a blast, what with the flying and the stardust and so on. Thankyou to my friends and thankyou also to the unicorns!

Posted by timortimes 17:14

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