Elfrina Arcango de Jesus de Gracu Li da Cruz
Monday 29th June – 7 months, 13 days (3 months, 21 days)
Timorese people often have really long names (and are often known by another unrelated nickname), and I reckon my friend Elfrina (a.k.a. Karen) has one of the longer ones. Previously the standard for me was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, but Karen beats good old Dumbledore by three whole syllables.
Elfrina says:
Arcando is from Saint Michael
Jesus is from the man himself
Gracu is blessing from God
Li da Cruz is her family name.
All of the names besides first and family name are to give her blessing, protection etc. I found the naming after Jesus and Saint Michael a bit odd until she explained this point.
Posted by timortimes 22:31