A Travellerspoint blog

Guess who just taught a bellydance class?

Saturday 4th July – 7 months, 18 days

  • I* just taught a bellydancing class!

Really it started with a friend saying a couple of weeks ago that she had danced in her house the other night, and it made her feel happy, and so she had decided she wanted to dance more. She asked me if I wanted to get together and just dance some time, as she knew I love dancing. I’ve been meaning to have a fun girls’ night with bellydancing for months, so this was the catalyst for me emailing Motion nightclub to ask if they had a free night where we could use the bar room for dancing.

We had seven of us in the end, including some people I hadn’t met before. People asked if I would do it again, and although I had planned for it to be a one-off, I thought since people want to and I enjoyed it, it would be fun. So I’ll be trying to find a regular night.

Posted by timortimes 22:43

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