A Travellerspoint blog

I’ve hit the bored stage

Wednesday 29th July – Friday 31st July, 8 months, 13-15 days

Fuck I’m bored. Not bored with work. Work is never boring (except for all the weird annoyances that I will never get used to, but that’s ok.) No, I’m bored with all the things I try to do to fill up the hours and hours and hours of time I have at home. Yes I know if I were back home I’d fill my social calendar to the hilt and bemoan my lack of time. That’s the way I *like* my life, people, I’m a social butterfly. Not a loner.


I’m bored of dvds (let’s be honest, I’m not really one for watching dvds on my own – I like to treat it as a social activity, asking my friends what’s going on, offering the little people in the tv my advice).

I’m bored of listening to the radio.

I’m bored of solitaire, mah jong, spider solitaire and bubble breaker.

I’m bored of my thesis.

I’m bored of not being able to go out ever.

I’m bored of battling the mouse in my room.

I’m bored of eating horrible food and not much of it.

I’m bored of making plans (think of a life area and I’ve made plans...)

I’m bored of having limited exercise options.

I’m even bored of reading, to an extent. Yes. I am bored of reading. Me.

I’m not bored of being hot all the time.

I’m not bored of taking photos of cute kids; or random things.

Posted by timortimes 20:11

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