A Travellerspoint blog

Showing Alice and Jane around

Saturday 1st August – 8 months – 16 days

Luckily the lovely Alice and enchanting Jane arrived to distract me from boredom, this weekend anyway. Since we were vehicle-less I gave them the Taxi and Walking Tour de Dili and it was maaaaahhvellous fun, dahhhling.

We started off with the Cemeteries Tour of my suburb. Wandered through Santa Cruz discussing the proliferation of colour in Timorese cemeteries. Hiked up the road to the shadier (richer) Chinese Cemetery. Alice and I climbed up to the lookout which I hadn’t previously noticed. Then we walked back to my place and had a little rest, before heading out to the tais market (where I decided that I really, really feel uncomfortable with the way the stall-owners watch you and watch you and try to get you to buy stuff; it means I always end up leaving earlier and buying less).

Then it was on to Arte Moris, where I totally wanted to buy some art, but nobody was around to buy it from...

Then on to lunch (wayyyy too much lunch, but v. good, at Dili Beach Bar).

I wanted to take pictures of the scary king statue that graces the new children’s playground (playground is awesome; statue is not, or at least, it is but only in a horrifying way), so we went there before...

Skipping back near my place to go to the (always crowded with locals) Taibessi Market. I don’t know what it is, but Timorese have started refusing to haggle with me. It’s weird.

We ended the day with drinks back at One More Bar. Drinks at the beach is something I have really been wanting more of, so this was faaabulous.

Posted by timortimes 20:51

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