I met the Governor-General today!
Day 30 - Tuesday 16th December
So, this morning I went to a breakfast for volunteers at the Ambassador's residence, held because of the Governor-General's visit to Timor-Leste.
Quentin Bryce is elegance personified. Tall and lovely (tall especially considering the generation she is from - most women her age are on the short side). I'd love to know where she picked up that plummy accent, considering she's from Queensland.
I actually got to meet her because the Ambassador's wife was doing a marvellous job coralling volunteers and introducing us. I chatted briefly to Her Excellency about the high rates of domestic violence in countries all over.
Also there were delicious bacon and egg tart things this is a very important detail!!! The search for decent Western food is constant here - I always have a weather eye open.
The breakfast ended with a little speech from the Governor General about the importance of our work and how she was pleased to meet with us all. I'm sure it was sincere, but I couldn't help smiling when I recognised a few stock sentences I have put into speeches for Ministers myself at work. I suppose there are only so many things important people are able to sincerely say about other people's good work, so I don't think it's a blot on the speechwriter's character, or Her Excellency's for that matter.
Overall, it was such an amazing thing to get to meet our first female Governor-General. Even if she is the last one ever, it means such a lot to me. Every big and little first for women anywhere is noteworthy.
Posted by timortimes 18:38