A Travellerspoint blog


More interviews... le sigh.

I try everything and yet I can’t do much if someone says ‘I’ll help you find interviewees’ but neglects to tell me they have other work that day and couldn’t be bothered to actually find interviewees beforehand.

Which essentially is actually them saying ‘I’ll help you’ and then actually just totally not.

I learned another lesson: The car broke down not two minutes drive from Dili. Instead of sitting on the side of the mountain for nearly two hours, we could’ve walked over the hill, caught a taxi and been home in half an hour.
Now I am battling the car hire company (they want me to pay the full price – I don’t think so).

Next time, I’ll just start walking. We realised later that the reason nobody stopped to give us a lift (we would have accepted one) was probably because we *weren’t* walking.

Posted by timortimes 21:33

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