Summer time is my time
Month 1, Day 2 - Thursday 18th December
You know I miss everyone in Australia. This is the first Christmas I haven't spent with my family on the Far North Coast. Hi guys! *waves* And I always miss my friends at Christmas. *waves at Canberra and elsewhere*
But I do love summer. I especially love the run-up to Christmas - people making plans, trying to finish off work before Christmas, everywhere is always busy. I love that it is always warm (it's PARTICULARLY always warm here). Being near the ocean feels like the place I should be, even if I am not a beach baby*, because it is just gorgeous.
I am planning to have a one-year-long summer over here, which is very nice indeed.
- Really I should be, my parents tried very hard and should get credit for their efforts. I am just more of the kind of person who paddles for a bit then dries off in the shade.
Posted by timortimes 19:02