New Year's Eve
Wednesday 31st December - 1 month, 15 days
Another on-the-spot decision: Libby and George invited us to a potluck dinner at their place for New Year’s Eve. So, a quiet one – but then, apart from all those with firecrackers, if you’re in Timor you’re generally having a quiet New Year’s Eve, I believe.
New Year’s Resolutions? Matt’s was to floss every day; me, I always have a set of goals for myself, in health, finance etc, so usually New Year prompts me to look over them again rather than make any resolutions specific to the New Year. Sounds dreadfully boring, I suppose, but I actually find it quite exciting to look back over a year and think about all the things I've achieved. It's not that I really stick to the list, or even check back against previous lists - I don't really need to anyway, I have it in my head mostly. I just generally get more things done if I think about it first.
I mean, last year (2007) one of the hugest achievements was getting my tonsils out, something I had been wanting for years - I'd been on the public hospital waiting list for three years alone!!! This year, I guess moving to Timor becomes one, not because I planned it out at the beginning of the year but just because it fulfils some other aims I had (working in gender; working in gender, overseas; getting to live overseas for a year, etc).
So I like to think about these things. Sometimes the goals you achieve (or try to) are not the ones that would be meaningful or even noticeable to others, but if they are important to you, that's what matters.
Posted by timortimes 17:48