A Travellerspoint blog

Little thoughts

Small pleasures: synchronising all my timepieces – my watch, my two mobiles, my computer, Matt’s computer – so that they read the same time (within about 10 seconds, anyway). It’s possible I’m completely mad, but I’m happy with it, so there.

Now if I could only get my hands on Matt’s watch and *his* two mobiles when he gets back... *schemes*

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Tired of the wet season? Wishing those daily thunderstorms and showers would just go away for a day or two? Just need to see some sun?

Do I have the solution for you! Just get so sick you can’t leave the house! The rain will flee and you will say, ‘Wet season? Wet season, my arse!’.

(Yes, I’ve been sick since Saturday and it hasn’t rained at all since then. I just want it to rain while I am stuck in the house once! Just once! It would feel so much less like I couldn’t be somewhere else having fun!)

Posted by timortimes 18:07

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