Happy 27th Birthday to Me, la la la
14th January 2009 - 1 month, 29 days
Two things I really wanted for my birthday that I didn’t seriously think would happen: (a) a car (b) a hot shower.
Turns out dreams really do come true!
Our housemate lent us her car for the day, so we went for a drive out of town for a bit – not to anywhere in particular, we just drove to the west, kind of along the coast. I think my favourite parts of the drive were the nap in the middle (Matt took photos of this – extremely unflattering) and driving along singing to a Josh Pyke song. La la la.
So, not a car for me or us, per se, but certainly a car *for the day*. Yay!
Now to (b). I’d booked myself in for a two hour massage (US$30, at the ‘expensive’ place in town – huh – looks like I finally found something cheaper in Timor than in Australia). It was a good massage but I still kind of think getting to have a hot shower after the massage was the best part (I didn’t know I would get it, either, it was a bonus).
Other than that, I ate out for breakfast (at One More Bar with Matt) and dinner (at some place right on the water on the other side of town, with Matt, Brie and Kitu, our housemates), Matt gave me some lovely books, a hammer (no really) and a Timorese dolly (I’ve named her Dolly, she is the cutest thing ever), my family gave me cash (thanks guys!) and some friends indicated they’d sent parcels, which I expect to receive … some time. (Ah well, we all know about the crappy postage system).
Yay age 27!
Posted by timortimes 20:32