A Travellerspoint blog

Slow day

Monday 23rd February 2009 – 3 months, 7 days

I spent all day in the office on my own today catching up and searching for articles and reports etc for potential thesis topics (I am on program leave for this semester, but I am trying to decide my thesis topic for second semester by April). So far there is not a great deal on any of the five (or seven) potential topics I have, which means (a) great, an opportunity to do original research! (b) great, not only could I have a thesis topic, but some article topics! (c) crap, where do I begin, how do I choose? O deer.

I am writing this entry at the end of the week, looking back with nostalgia at all that time I had to get through such a small amount of work at that point, and reflecting on how in the public service it’s all or nothing. You either have no work or too much work. There is no in-between, no happy medium, no day when you just have enough work to do. Too much or not enough!

Posted by timortimes 20:15

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