Hurrah for creature comforts
Tuesday 24th February – 3 months, 8 days
You quickly get used to not having things you’d consider quite ordinary. Despite this, on their return or appearance, they are a wonder and marvel and able to lift a gloomy mood. This afternoon I got home from work to find:
• The fuse box for our airconditioner had been fixed – yay for the return of airconditioning!
• The bathroom light has been fixed – yay for not having to wash in the dark anymore!*
• Our mozzie net had finally been put up** - yay for being able to sleep without getting attacked by mozzies!
It made me EXTREMELY happy. In fact, it's days later as I write this, and all three things are still a source of wonder and delight. I *love* airconditioning! I *love* having a bathroom light! I *adore* our mozzie net!
* One of our neighbours / landlords disconnected the switch for some unfathomable reason back in December not long after we moved in. Luckily I was used to going without proper lighting in half the rooms of my old flat in Canberra, because we couldn’t get the light fittings off and had to get the landlord in to change them. Insane, yes, I know.
- * This is not due to slowness or laziness on our behalf but merely the fact that we didn’t have a way to hang the damn thing, but one of our landlordy people (Lee) helped Matt put up a hook for it.
Posted by timortimes 20:32